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Do you see the signs?

Grief Journey

4/21/20231 min read

For those of you who know me, know that my favorite things is now putting on my headphones and listening to a podcast while I walk. The most recent jewel that I discovered is The Selfish Griever. Whitney talks about looking for signs from our loved ones.

She says to be specific if we want to ask for a sign. So I did just that. I have been doubting myself with my business endeavors, I have put all this time and energy into putting together a lovely retreat, and so far only 1 person, (who I am so so thankful for, has signed up. Not only did she sign up, but booked the most expensive package too).

I look at what I have on offer, and then think, wow, this is just so amazing, I would love to go on this retreat! (Look here if you want to read more about it, I do not want to digress from the story.)

I asked Dakota to send me a black feather if I was on the right track with my business. I put it out there, and just let it go. I kept a keen eye out where ever I went for the 1st week or so, and then doubt crept up on me and I was really contemplating, what now? I pushed it to the back of my mind and tried to forget about it, focusing on my yoga and meditation practices more. Then one day, walking home this beauty was standing up right in front of me, on my path home.

There was no way I could doubt this sign.

Yes, I am on the right path! The right ladies will come and well can all work on our continued healing. Grieving is a life long journey and learning to walk in the light takes WORK.

I choose to live in the light of Dakota's life, rather than the shadow of her passing.