If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all

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8/26/20222 min read

Does anyone remember this saying?

Dakota was such a kind, thoughtful and wonderful daughter. Sure, she gave me sleepless nights and grey hair, but I would take any of those back, just to have her here.

I found this note in her bathroom when I was cleaning up her apartment. Not a day goes by without me missing her.

What got me onto this train of thought was what happened at the park on Monday ....

I was walking by myself if the forested park near my home. Yes, it is a doggy park, but there is no rule or suggestion that you have to take a dog to go there. What it clearly stipulates, is that your dog should always be under your control. This clearly was not the case, when a Red Setter came charging up behind me and started barking aggress. The crazy aggressive South African side of me sprang into action, and I shouted VOETSAK! (go away). The dog turned around and ran away. I was happy and sort of proud of myself. This is the first time that I haven't dissolved into a flood of tears when something has startled me.

I continued my walk, still a bit shaken and nervous, so I picked up a stick and thought, if the dog comes back I will clobber it. Well, I was a bit surprised when sure enough, the dog comes back, barking at me again and this time the owners were with him. They did nothing to call the dog back, and I took a swing at it. I said to the owners control your dog. They said if I wasn't swinging a stick, the dog would not have barked at me. It turned into a slinging match, with them using some delightful language. I turned and left the park. I just could not be bothered to fight,( if you wrestle with pigs you get dirty.)

My point is, was all this necessary? They were rude and unkind with their words, and for what? I will not be returning to the park, I am so glad I didn't have Vali with me. Goodness knows what that dog would have done.