The amazing benefits of Sauerkraut...

My healing journey


3/8/20231 min read

I thought you may find this useful. Like so many of us moms, when I am sad I tend to spiral and tend to eat junk food to grab a glass of wine,or both. I have been working on my diet, and trying to eat a more balanced healthy diet.

(Dakota was always adventurous with her food choices, so I am following in her footsteps a bit.)I have started to include probiotics in my daily regime. In fact I have started to make my own sauerkraut.

Here is a link of the benefits and how to make it (if you want to try something new). I am still working on perfecting it, but am already feeling the benefits, and I hope you do too. To summarize, sauerkraut promotes healthy gut flora and may increase the absorption of mood-regulating minerals from your diet. Both of these effects help reduce stress and maintain brain health.

I am proud of my progress thus far. I have just passed the 2 month mark without any wine, and I can tell you I do feel better for it. I wake up fresh every morning, no hangover and no regrets.

If you are a grieving mom, you are welcome to join my facebook group for Grieving moms.

I choose to live in the light of Dakota's life, rather than the shadow of her death.

Think about living in the light of your child's life. How does that look for you? I have my Intentional Healing retreat coming up at the end of Oct. It works out to just $400 a day all inclusive.