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There are no rewards for rushing grief
Greif Retreat
8/10/20231 min read

In a world that prizes productivity and haste, the process of mourning can feel like a silent struggle against the clock. But don't do it!! Grieve at your own pace.
I know personally the effects of rushing grief. Just a mere 2 weeks after my mother passed, I was back in boarding school at the tender age of 11. Back in those days the idea was to bury one's emotions and just soldier on. Which I did. I banished all memories of my mother from my thoughts, locking them away in the deepest recesses of my soul. She became a forbidden subject, an absence never to be acknowledged again. Whenever the pangs of sorrow threatened to rise within me, I would seek refuge in a secluded haven to shed my tears in solitude. I felt safe, sheltered by my own emotional barricade behind the mask.
Fast forward 42 years, my sister Dianne died tragically in 2017. I was shocked and heart broken, but put on a brave face, and was back to work in 3 days. (the standard of time to grieve).
When I lost Dakota in 2018 I was totally shocked, knocked completely to the ground and left virtually paralyzed. I have worked hard to recover and heal, this is a constant in my life. Self healing.
I lost my brother last year, and took time to grieve, although I could not go to his funeral. I knew it would be just too activating for me.
One of the healing modalities I have used in Mexico is Temazcal experience. I spoke to Moni Kan, who is facilitating the experience for any one who comes to the Radiant Renewal Retreat, and wants to pay for the experience.
Spaces are filling up, I would love to see you there! On of the ways we will be celebrating our lost loved ones is by building an Offerenda/Alter in the serenity of the yoga studio at Casa Om. If this is something that resonates with you, let's chat.