This is what happened to me this morning...


3/18/20232 min read

ACTIVATION WARNING I was eating a delicious vegetarian brunch this morning sitting at the table at Casa Om. The view of the Caribbean ocean was amazing. The palm trees were gently swaying in the balmy warm breeze.( I am here on a Master Mind Retreat with other Yogis). The conversation was casual, we were chatting about types of yoga. The nice young man next to me said that he taught aerial yoga and trapeze swinging. I stupidly blurted out, that I would love to try trapeze swinging. Grrrr. - I WISH I HAD BIT MY TOUNGE. The innocent comment turned on me.

He casually asked if I would do aerial yoga. I shook my head, and said no, dropped my gaze and took a bite of my quiche.

I never in a million years would do aerial yoga, that is how Dakota left this world. She had wanted a yoga swing to do aerial yoga, and I willingly obliged and even had it put up in her room.

I left the table, took my meal and went up to a safe space to finish my meal, which I could not do. I felt nauseas and and weak.

Right then I wanted to pack up and leave the retreat. What the hell was I thinking, coming to a retreat with a lot of people that I did not know??? WHAT AN IDIOT. I called my sister sobbing. She helped to calm me down, and reminded me what I had come to the retreat for - to learn how to run retreats. She gave me a virtual hug, and her love and energy calmed me down. I re-directed my thought process and thought about how proud Dakota would be of me for taking this healing journey.

I could not eat any more, made myself a cup of tea, and then joined the rest of my new yogi pals in the training room.

Life is good, and I have so much to be grateful for. I am thankful that I have my dear sister Terry to call and share my broken heart with. (I didn't want to call my husband, I know my tears upset him.)

Who is your go to person?