We are celebrating Thanks Giving in Canada today ....

Ramblings of a grieving mom


10/10/20221 min read

and it is honestly such a lovely tradition, but I think it is something we should do daily. Taking time to be with loved ones and spend time with people who are important to us should be a priority.

Growing up in what was then Rhodesia, we never celebrated Thanksgiving. We were always just told to count our blessings.

When I became a mother, I told my girls to do the same. I remember a cute story of when Dakota was little and I told her and her sisters to go to bed and count their blessings. (Dakota is the youngest of my 3 girls). A little while later I walked into the shared bedroom and Dakota was sitting on the floor with a pile of toys, counting them. I asked what she was doing and one of her sisters said she was counting her blessings.

She was always the sweetest child, gosh how I miss her. I give thanks daily for the time I had her. I also give thanks to God for my other children, my family, my friends and my list goes on.

I do a daily gratitude list, either written or mentally. Do you practice daily gratitude?

On a different note, I am starting the online zoom classes on Wednesdays at 5.30 pm PST. If you want to join me. If you can't afford the $5.00 please let me know and it will be my pleasure to give it to you.


I am still in Mexico, working on the retreat, and will have an early bird offer out in early November. You can get on the waitlist here.